IDOR Vulnerability In GraphQL Api On

Mirabbas Agalarov
4 min readJan 9, 2023


Hello everyone. I hope you are well.This article my first bugbounty writeups.This article is about idor i found in a Let’s get back to the article without wasting time.

What is GraphQL ?

GraphQL is an open-source data query and manipulation language for APIs,” Nowadays, GraphQL is being used in place of Rest-API’s.
for example:

What is Idor?

The insecure direct object reference is abbreviated as IDOR.
An IDOR flaw allows an attacker to gain unauthorized access to resources or perform actions on a web application.
This is accomplished by altering the request parameters supplied to the server while retrieving objects (such as documents, files, and data).
When there is a lack of server-side validation and a request is completed without validating whether the object being requested belongs to the user requesting it, this is possible.
for example:

Here we can see that the uid in the URL seems to be vulnerable and can be tampered by an attacker to break the authentication.

String query = “SELECT * FROM accts WHERE account = ?”;
PreparedStatement pstmt = connection.prepareStatement(query, … );
pstmt.setString(1, request.getParameter(“acct”));
ResultSet results = pstmt.executeQuery( );

In the above code, the attacker will modify the “accts” parameter in the web application and can enter multiple account numbers to retrieve the information.

How did I find Idor in GraphQL?

First, I wanted to edit my account name and surname because I was looking for xss in the my profile field. For this I opened the burp package and grabbed the prompt,
First, I noticed that the Web application uses GraphQL for API Management.

and in this request I saw the userid variable and “what happens if I write another id here?” I thought and quickly opened a new account and learned the userid of that account and quickly deleted my own userid and replaced it with the userid of the new account and Boooom
I was able to change the name, surname, e-mail address and other information of the account I just created.

I quickly created a report and sent it to the team.And 5 days later I got feedback. Feed back was as below

ID was important. Because if we didn’t know id, we couldn’t make id directly. I had to either find a property that exposes the identity of another user or expose id with another vulnerability.

I was a little disappointed. but I didn’t give up. I searched for more. And 5 hours later I found a way to reveal your ID

I found such a feature in the web application. I found that you can invite other users to your group. But all you needed was the user’s first name, last name, and email. I wrote the name, surname and e-mail of the account I just created and sent an invitation and that user’s profile fell into my account.

If we select user and view details it will show user’s account and give userid in url.

I told the team how to do it quickly.

Youtube Poc video :



Mirabbas Agalarov
Mirabbas Agalarov

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