What is ngrok? How to install? How to use ngrok?

Mirabbas Agalarov
3 min readDec 28, 2021


What is ngrok?

Ngrok is a useful tool to create a secure tunnel for locally hosted files and projects using reverse proxy technology. It is used to hosted any local file or project over the web.

How to install?

1.To download ngrok, first go to the link below

2.Download your file

3.After downloading go to the downloads folder

cd Downloads

4.Extract Ngrok

tar xvzf ~/Downloads/ngrok-stable-linux-amd64.tgz -C /root/Desktop

This command Unpacks the archive file to the desktop directory.

5.Access permission

chmod +x ngrok

6.Next step we have to create ngrok account.

7.Confirm account after creating account

8.Then go to the authtoken section and copy the token

9.And type this command

./ngrok authtoken <your token>

And the installing is finished

Example 1:

./ngrok tcp 1234

This starts a TCP tunnel.

Example 2:

./ngrok http 9090

Forward ngrok.io subdomain to port 9090:

ctrl+c to stop the service



Mirabbas Agalarov
Mirabbas Agalarov

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